Central Severn Vale transport strategy

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Please note: This page is no longer being updated and is for information only. It relates to the now adopted Joint Core Strategy.

The Central Severn Vale Transport Strategy (CSVTS) will focus specifically on a number of key transport corridors and potential development areas within the JCS boundary, assessing the transport impacts of growth within the JCS area and identifying the interventions needed to support this growth.

The CSVTS will thus provide a key basis for the transport elements of the Joint Core Strategy. It will also provide the evidence base for Major Scheme Funding bids for transport schemes, including submissions to the Regional Funding Allocation process managed by the Regional Planning Body; and provide a building block for the next Local Transport Plan, the preparation and adoption of which is a statutory obligation for Gloucestershire County Council as Local Highway Authority.

The objective is for the study to be completed by March 2010, although it is recognised that further work will be required on detailed issues arising from the analysis and strategy development currently being undertaken.

If you have any questions please contact the JCS team.